Thursday, December 22, 2005


Okay, I have an awful confession to make. Last week I went on a whole rant about speed dating and how I'd basically found the entire event useless except to talk to people. Well guess what? I'm going on a date with a girl I met that night. How do you spell hypocrite?

And I bought a new sweater for it, which means I'm nervous

And I'm nervous, which means I care.

And I care, which means I'm going to screw it up.

Which means that you'll be reading about it in tomorrow's blog.

That is all....

1 comment:

Mattyd said...

I thought everyone at speed dating was at least 10 years your senior...

Is that the reason for the sweater? To look a little older?

Sorry. Couldn'r resist.

Can't wait to hear about it, man.