Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Drives Me Nuts...

I think Stop and Shop should make people take a test before allowing them to use the self-checkout. Honestly, people approach these things and it's like their brain just shuts off. Yesterday I watched as the person in front of me stood dumbfounded, absolutely unable to to work the machine. That's why there are normal checkouts.

But then again, I think the machines are more of a hassle anyways. They waste more time than they save. People throw their entire cart and a half of groceries onto them and take at least three times as long organizing and bagging the items. I've often wished the self checkouts were express only and used for those of us with two or three things in our hands who want to run in and out quickly. Those of you doing your weeks shopping will end up saving time and anxiety by allowing someone else to ring your order up for you.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For some reason, anyone over the age of 35 has an intellectual, yet social dliemma with the self check out. They want to be hip/cool/down with the kids, but for some reason, and I dont know why, but anything with more than a channel up and down button has completely perplexed any of these electronically deprived dingbats!